Aliens Game Over Man Kids T Shirt

Size: 5-6 Yrs
Colour: Black
Sale price£19.99


Who can forget that moment when the film Aliens was released as a sequel to the Ridley Scott epic movie?

With such a tough act to follow, James Cameron went all out with the Marines, Guns & 6 foot Xenomorphs didn't he?

This Kids Aliens Movie t shirt captures the infamous (ad-libbed) line from Hudson "Game Over Man - Game Over" in reference to the drop ship having just crashed and resulting in their only form of salvation being destroyed before their eyes.

How right he was!

Get your childs Alien quota filled and their Xenomorphic freak on with this awesome high quality t shirt print. A stunning high quality print, just screaming out to be worn!

You won't find this one anywhere else in the world as it is a DPUK original.