Nakatomi Plaza Die Hard Kids T Shirt

Size: 5-6 Yrs
Colour: Black
Sale price£19.99


Due to the Nakatomi corporation's legacy of greed around the globe, they're about to be taught a lesson in the real use of will be witnesses.

 - Hans Gruber.

This Kids Die Hard Nakatomi Plaza T Shirt is a real homage to the movie starring Alan Rickman as the cold and calculating killer Hans Gruber. Although this is surely one of Bruce Willis' best films ever, some feel that it is Rickman that really steals the show.

The Nakatomi Plaza is symbolic of the Japanese finiancial influence in the US, and it is here that Hans Gruber chooses to heist $460 Million dollars under the guise of a terrorist hostage situation.

Our Kids Nakatomi Plaza logo is distressed and bleached out slightly to give that battle worn look, afterall - even John McClane looks a bit worse for wear at the end of this flick!